Thursday, 23 June 2011

Go Canadians @Bieber@Drake

Justin Bieber and Drake have taken the award for the International Video of the year - Canadian Win !
While Mother Monster herself, Lady Gaga takes International Video of the year - Artist!

 Even though Justin and Drake share the stage for their awards, Bieber and Gomez seem to take all the spotlight on themselves! haha

Besides the Blue Hair; Love the Blazer!

Gaga's Blue Hair ?!?! @MMVAs

Selena Gomez Hosting Tonight! - MMVAs

Doctored Images

This image I chose is of Tupac and Osama Bin Laden! At first look, I very much thought it was real. The overall image looks as if Tupac and Osama had actually ever met. Although the image has some noise added in the background the overall composition of Osama’s head on the body is very well put together. The reason I can tell that Tupac was originally there is because of this head posture and the way he’s leaning. While on the other hand the guy is still therefore making it easier for someone to simply replace the head with Osama’s head. Also, for very obvious reasons, Osama would not be found in public taking a picture! The only thing that catches my attention about this picture is the fact that “Osama’s” arm is slightly a different skin tone then his head. On top of that the skin of the arm is very clear and a bit darker which doesn’t suit Osama’s head since it’s a bit lighter and his facial hair doesn’t match with a clean arm.  But this was on of the pictures that I really thought was funny and well put together!

This picture is an example of a picture that I found was done very poorly, along with the other several pictures that follow. Many have incidents where the editors forget to change the amount of fingers on someones hands or forget to remove the hand altogether.  In the following picture thought, it is a case of leaving the head all by itself floating alongside Brad Pitt’s head. Brad Pitt’s son located on the right of him is again seen on the left of him, which was obviously accidently not corrected properly. This was actually published in a magazine, and I can’t believe people never spotted out the double heads.

This next image is very much accurate until you see that through the device the man is holding up, you cannot see the girl in pinks face. The picture that you can see through the device is only of the couple but in reality you see that she is there standing very much in between the couple, therefore there shouldn’t be any reason as to why she didn’t show up in the picture with them. Once again this image was also, found in a magazine.

Overall, from this assignment of looking up doctored images, it makes me realize what is real and what is not real. Some people are very talented with perfection shots and you never know what is real or not. For instance, often in newspapers or magazines or anywhere in advertisement you see pictures of “Before” and “After” images of people and now I always stop and think, if its even real? Its very hard to judge online these days until you see something in front of your own eyes because of the many things you can perfect over the internet using special programs. In this case, you cans that Miley Cycrus’ hand is placed around Nick Jonas’ body but there is another image of a hand placed around him. This very much screams out loud that it is a fake picture and that those 2 celebrities were photoshoped together. Overall though, I think its actually funny to see what kind of mistakes people leave out and what actually gets published!

Rich get richer, Poor get poorer


Although I have not seen the first Tron movie, it is sure to say that it was probably also filled with great action packed scenes! In this Tron movie there was surely a lot of technology used and graphics that we may or may not see in the near future. For instance the trains traveling in the air and riding motorcycles in the air are common ideas that people use in their movies. But I think it’s highly unlikely to see that happen anytime soon. I have been hearing about the flying car since I was in about grade 2 or 3 and still haven’t witnessed such creations. Therefore creating such high tech advancement for transportation will probably not take place in my generation. Also, the world talks about advancing in technology in the near future; I think it all depends on the time that we have. Rumors about 2012 are looking more real than ever, which all these disasters occurring. It’s just about time that the world will end because of our negative impacts on the Earth. Surely this technology is fascinating and comforting; but there’s still all the expenses and side effects that come along with it.
Furthermore, there were many “ridiculous” designs incorporated into this film that will probably not ever happen. The fact that the boy’s father designed his own ‘virtual world’ and created a game that has its own world, is most likely impossible to actually ever happen. Even though the technology may have seemed somewhat exciting or interesting, I would probably never want this kind of technology in the real world just because it’s too much too handle and people these days would definitely use it out of proportion. In conclusion, I think that this movie was a different type of genre that I am not used to so it was a good experience to see a movie that I perhaps wouldn’t watch outside of class.

Robots Friends or Foes?

Robots are definitely controversy. They can be friends but are definitely always turned into foes. This is because humans are never happy with what they have accomplished and instead keeping pushing the limits and over doing every project. Robots can be simply harmless but if updated and constantly renewed to perfection, and programmed carefully they will soon enough have a mind of their own. I think many robots can succeed in their duties and soon become better than you. It is exactly how a person is to another person. If one is training someone to be good at basketball, their dedication and passion will only stride them further. In this case the coach may still not be able to perform in the NBA but the athlete him/herself can exceed the expectations and earn themselves a spot in the NBA. It all comes with practice, and hard work. Therefore, the trainee him/herself can outrun the trainer.  On the other hand for the robots, their minds will always be running.
Humans lag in memory and take time to remember things but as for robots, they have their information stored in places that they can easily access. Interestingly enough the human population has definitely become lazy. Perhaps it started a long time ago, when mathematicians got lazy to write the number 1 beside a variable. Those are some of the small remarks that seem to have always crossed my mind and now we have become so lazy that we are always dependent on the computers to finish our work. For instance, using word document to type out our work, therefore no need to know how to spell! Or using Google now in days to look up any information that you need. I think the upbringing of robots is still very mellow but in the near future I wouldn’t be surprised to have a robot as my professor or my children’s’ teacher. In addition I don’t really see the need of creating such technology if it will have a negative impact on the people on this earth. If successful robots start to be created it won’t be long until they start replacing humans in work. Thus, decreasing our income and giving us barely anything to do. The wealthier people would have control over the robots since they can own them, whereas the lower income population will be suffering and getting poorer. In conclusion, I think robots can be friends to a certain extent but soon enough will turn into foes.
(Good Robot Turned Bad) 

Is the Internet Safe?

I think the internet being safe totally depends on the individual him/herself. Your curiosity and your interests and where they lead you. But obviously, sometimes certain images or texts can appear unexpectedly.  I think the internet is a way you can gain more knowledge in things that you necessarily don’t know about. There are many access websites that people can simply find that meet their needs that can be good or bad. For instance, little children having access to the internet can lead to them searching up images or words or anything that they don’t know about and getting to know more than they should. On the other hand the internet can be used to its best to research information about things that interest you. For instance video games and expanding your general knowledge. The question of the internet being safe or not is very debatable and for me it’s a 50-50 response.
On the other hand, even though its all very fascinating and knowledge consuming there are many “bad” things that can occur. For instance publishing your photos on the internet, contact information and so on can always get you into trouble, even if you don’t mean to do so.
Now in days the internet’s popular social networks such as Twitter, Facebook, Myspace and so on are definitely used by perhaps millions of people that don’t even know the consequences of people seeing their photos and personal information can be taken to advantage. For instances many stories of people creating facebook party events have been taken to a whole different level when over thousands o people show up to their front house. At this point more than thousands of people now know your address and is a public event that the news has taken coverage of and so on.
Overall, you can never be too protective of your internet habits, whether its with protecting your computer from viruses or installing spyware or opening spam mail, it all ends with your basic knowledge of the computer and to protect your real identity from the dangers of others. Thus, the internet I believe is a fascinating creation used by billions over the world and as to being safe or not can only be judged upon the experiences you go through. As for me, I think the internet is safe because I know not to make “dumb” moves or anything that would put me in danger or release any information not intended to discharge to someone(s).  

First Internet Experience

March 2nd, 2011

The first time i remember using the internet would probably be in grade 1-2. This experience was more educational than anything else because it was under the school system therefore no bad images or websites were allowed to be accessed. Many other people don't have such experiences because they were often exposed to "bad" images or events at a young age. A lot of the times at school we would go on the internet to play math games or anything along those lines. Before i knew it the internet had much more to offer to me. I had no idea that you can do so much on the internet. Google, was by far the biggest and most inspiring site I had visited. Literally no matter what I typed in I would always get a result that I was looking for or even something that I had no expected. Now-in days Google is pretty much used everyday for simples terms. From not knowing what something means to looking up images to see certain things. Also, many people had created websites of their own where people got to visit them, post up their comments and such and was sort of like facebook this time of around but instead it was accessed by anyone and you did not need any account. A lot of my friends created websites and it was a way for me to talk to them online rather than using windows messenger because I did not have an account then. Therefore, using the websites they had created provided me with an option to communicate to them. Although it wasn’t much, it was still fascinating to see what you had posted could be seen by thousands of others. Also, majority of the time I was afraid that I would mess-up the internet by installing randomn things or downloading files that I wasn’t aware of. I always seemed to get in trouble for doing stupid things and always got yelled at. So, even ‘til this day I try to be pretty cautious with what im doing on the internet and what may be a virus or not. Overall, id say my experience with the internet wasn’t bad at all but was a much more fascinating experience.