Thursday, 23 June 2011

Robots Friends or Foes?

Robots are definitely controversy. They can be friends but are definitely always turned into foes. This is because humans are never happy with what they have accomplished and instead keeping pushing the limits and over doing every project. Robots can be simply harmless but if updated and constantly renewed to perfection, and programmed carefully they will soon enough have a mind of their own. I think many robots can succeed in their duties and soon become better than you. It is exactly how a person is to another person. If one is training someone to be good at basketball, their dedication and passion will only stride them further. In this case the coach may still not be able to perform in the NBA but the athlete him/herself can exceed the expectations and earn themselves a spot in the NBA. It all comes with practice, and hard work. Therefore, the trainee him/herself can outrun the trainer.  On the other hand for the robots, their minds will always be running.
Humans lag in memory and take time to remember things but as for robots, they have their information stored in places that they can easily access. Interestingly enough the human population has definitely become lazy. Perhaps it started a long time ago, when mathematicians got lazy to write the number 1 beside a variable. Those are some of the small remarks that seem to have always crossed my mind and now we have become so lazy that we are always dependent on the computers to finish our work. For instance, using word document to type out our work, therefore no need to know how to spell! Or using Google now in days to look up any information that you need. I think the upbringing of robots is still very mellow but in the near future I wouldn’t be surprised to have a robot as my professor or my children’s’ teacher. In addition I don’t really see the need of creating such technology if it will have a negative impact on the people on this earth. If successful robots start to be created it won’t be long until they start replacing humans in work. Thus, decreasing our income and giving us barely anything to do. The wealthier people would have control over the robots since they can own them, whereas the lower income population will be suffering and getting poorer. In conclusion, I think robots can be friends to a certain extent but soon enough will turn into foes.
(Good Robot Turned Bad) 

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